Mandag 3. april
Generalløytnant (P) Robert Mood
Vil fremtidens forsvar være relevant?
er en velkjent personlighet for de fleste. er hva NATO skrev på sidene sine om Mood da han tjenestegjorde i Brussel:
«Robert Mood is educated at Norwegian military institutions ranging from the Officer Candidate School to the Norwegian Army Staff College. He is a graduate from the United States Marine Corps University which includes the Command and Staff College, a Master of Military Studies and the School of Advanced War fighting. He has also attended the NATO Defence College in Rome.
Lieutenant General Mood started his service in the Norwegian Brigade North in 1978, to finish with OC of Rifle Company in 1988. From 1989 to 1990 he deployed two periods to Lebanon as the operations officer of the Norwegian Battalion to UNIFIL.
From 1990 to 2001 he had various appointments including; Staff Officer Operations at Defence Command South Norway; Operations officer Division 6 (G-3) and Commander Telemark Battalion in 1998. He deployed to Kosovo (KFOR) with Telemark Battalion as the core of an international battle group from 1999 to 2000. Following a period at the Joint Operations staff, Defence HQ he again deployed to Kosovo in 2001, this time to serve at COMKFORs Command Group as the Chief Joint Implementation Commission.
Upon on his return to Norway he was promoted to Brigadier and took the position as Inspector General of Combined Arms and as Commanding Officer of Norwegian Army Combined Arms Centre of Competence. He then served as the Commanding Officer of the Norwegian Army Transformation and Doctrine Command. Robert Mood was promoted to Major General in 2005 and accepted the posting as Chief of Staff of the Norwegian Army.
After four years of service as Chief of Staff of the Norwegian Army he was appointed Head of Mission and Chief of Staff of UNTSO, a position he held until 2011. While serving as head of UNTSO he was elected Dean of UN Force Commanders. He was then appointed as the first Inspector General of Veteran Affairs in Norway and implemented the Government Action Plan for Veteran affairs, completed by January 2014.
From March 2012 to August 2012, Mood headed the United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria during its 90 day mandated period.
Lieutenant General Mood has been awarded The National Proficiency Medal, The UNIFIL Medal, The NATO Medal, International Operations Medal, The UNTSO Medal, The UNSMIS Medal, and The French Order of Merit. He was presented with the Defence Forces’ Equal Opportunities Award of 2008 for his work with gender issues, the UN Veteran Associations recognition medal in Gold for his work for peace and veteran related issues, and the Voluntary Women’s association for preparedness award for 2014.
He is an acknowledged speaker, commentator and writer of articles for professional magazines as well as public media. His favourite leisure activities are outdoor sports, biking and trout fishing.
Robert Mood is married and has one son.»
Les også gjerne artikkelen «» på ført i pennen av Sunniva Skjeggestad, Forsvarets mediesenter. Et utdrag:
Den frittalende generalen
Meningers mot
– Jeg må vite hva som skjer i Europa og i korridorene i Nato. Det er jobben min å være orientert til enhver tid. Men det man ikke blir enige om i Nato, det står det aldri noe om her, sier han med et smil. Han tilbyr te og frokost, og ser så videre på de siste nyhetene som lyser opp fra skjermen.
Et søk på nyhetsleverandøren Retriever viser at Robert Mood har blitt omtalt 8700 ganger i norske medier. Få generaler har vært mer omtalt, eller like frittalende som ham. Det vinner han Fritt ords pris for.
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- Andelårconfit med sopp, aspargesbønner, byggryn, portvinssjysaus og potetkake
- Mintsjokolademousse, sjokoladeganache, ananassalat og kokossorbet
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Generalforsamling – saksliste
Sak 1 Årsberetning for 2016
Sak 2 Årsrapport for 2016
Sak 3-1 Regnskap 2016 for OMS og NMT
Sak 3-2 note 1 fonds og legater
Sak 4 Valg av tillitsmenn
Sak 5 Medlemskontingent 2017
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